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Credit Card Stoozing

Description:  Use this calculator to calculate the profit from taking a low- or zero-rate balance transfer and putting it into a savings account to earn interest. This technique is often called 'stoozing', although we do not claim to have invented that name! You can read more about it in this wiki article.


 Balance Transfer Amount :-   
 Interest rate (%) :-   
 Term :-   
 Balance Transfer Fee (%) :-   
 Interest rate on Fee (%) :-   
 Minimum payment Percentage :-   
 Minimum payment Amount :-   

 Savings Interest rate (%) :-   
 Savings Tax rate (%) :-   


 Amount required in savings at start to cover repayments :-   
 Stoozing profit available at start :-   
 Stoozing profit at end of term :-   

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